Servicing – Overhauls and Upgrades

We solve your engineering problems.

Our team of highly skilled engineers can adapt to various working environments working within the parameters laid out in our Risk Assessments and Method statements. We can provide breakdown support and planned maintenance for all types of equipment.

Improved efficiency, increased reliability & longer machine life

Servicing an automated packaging machine is essential for maintaining optimal performance, reducing downtime, and ensuring a safe and reliable packaging process.

Service and Repair

Keeping your equipment running

Our engineers can adapt to various working environments, working within the parameters laid out in our Risk Assessments and Method statements. We can provide breakdown support and planned preventative maintenance for all types of Machinery.


Improved Performance and Reliability

Full mechanical and electrical refurbishment, can often be a more cost effective solution than the purchase of new equipment. We can also reconfigure your equipment on or off-site to suit new products and production requirements.


Keeping your Machine and Staff Safe

Working with the latest standards and directives our experienced engineers bring machines into compliance with upgraded and modernised mechanical and electrical safeguards.

Installation, Integration and Relocation

Getting your Equipment Online

Hexatomic can ingress and egress your equipment, Supply modified interfacing parts and conveyor sections. Provide cable management, install cabling and field devices and well in install interlocks and line interfaces between machines, as well as the setting and commissioning of equipment.


Multiplatform Experience

Modifications to existing code or working from a FDS we have experience in a wide range of systems and languages. Working with PLCs, HMIs, Servos, and everything in-between.

Unlock technical potential

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Reporting & analytics

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Ready to get started?

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project further, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help you achieve your automation goals.

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